The Varimixer Recipe Manager (VRM) is a tool that makes it possible to write new or edit existing recipes in the control panel for the ERGO mixer on PC. Recipes are written or edited in the VRM program. The finished recipe is saved on a USB stick, which is then connected to the machine for transfer using the control panel on the mixer. Recipes can now be included in the mixer’s operation.
Filename of what you downloaded:
Enable Excel to work with macros!
Excel must be set to work with macros to enable the Varimixer Recipe Manager.
1. File > 2. Options > 3. Trust centre > 4. Trust centre settings > 5. Macro settings > 6. Enable trust VBA projects
Connect the USB Flash drive to the post located on the back of the machine.
1.2 Select on the machine’s control panel:
1.2.1 Menu
1.2.2 Recipe
1.2.3 USB (PIN code 2345) USB button on control panel lights up green)
1.2.4 Recipe -> USB
The Back panel of the ERGO Serie
The USB input has a IP65 protection to gain a waterproof workflow
Connect the USB Flash drive to the post located on the back of the machine.
2.3.4 Insert the USB stick into the USB port located at the back of the mixer
2.3.5 Press on the mixer’s control panel: Menu Recipe USB (PIN code 2345 is entered. USB button lights up green) Press recipe -> USB for transfer Receipt shows that the recipe file has been transferred
The new recipes can now be checked in the recipe overview on the machine.
VRM is a tool that makes it possible to write new or edit existing recipes on a computer.
The finished recipe is saved on a USB Flash drive, which is then connected to the machine for transfer using the control panel on the mixer.
VRM program is downloaded from
You will hardly find a machine with as many applications. Whether you need to make bread, cakes, pies, pizza dough, toppings, salads, desserts – or a combination – Varimixer has your back. This means you only need one mixer in the kitchen.
Varimixer a part of The Middleby Corporation